Tuesday, March 13, 2007

3000 miles. 4000 photographs. 24 roses and I don't care if you are as old as the Titanic, you're holding us up bitch!

As you know, the past few days have been days of much travelling, much love and the usual crap that happens to me on a daily basis. We have travelled to Pennsylvania, Michigan, West Virginia and ended up yesterday in New York of all places. We drove and we flew and we walked miles and miles and miles, all in the name of love.

You see, today is our 8th wedding anniversary and we decided a bit back that we should spend more 'quality' time together so, a couple of weeks ago we made plans to travel, see places and people and generally just chill out and remark to each other how "lucky we are" and stuff like that.

In Pennsylvania we saw old relatives. In Michigan, we saw a favorite place of ours. West Virginia? We gambled and won. In New York we walked and enjoyed the full experience of Times Square, Central Park and everything that IS NYC!

New York? I know it's corny, but I *heart* NY! Everything about it! I physically ached by the time we arrived home, which is another story in itself! We were due to leave Newark at 8:30 pm. At 8:15 pm, when we saw not one Continental desk person, we knew we were in trouble. Eventually, a Northwest staffer had to come and help! We were on the plane, and after sitting for 20 minutes we were advised that some people from an international flight were making their way through to our flight and that we would wait "10 minutes" for them. Half an hour later (after already sitting for 50 minutes!!!) some people came aboard, out of breath after running the length and breadth of Newark airport, apologising for the F*$# up Immigration caused! We thought that we would set off after that, but the airport Gods said "Noooooo". Another 15 minutes passed by which time people were getting PISSED, then all of a sudden we some some little Mother Theresa look-a-like woman, 802 years old, hobbling slowly onto the plane and being placed gingerly, into a seat (AT THE FRONT OF THE PLANE I MIGHT ADD!). Can you even imagine how annoyed the family of runners were now feeling? The pilot came across the Tanoy and said we would NOW be setting off and he thanked us for our patience. Huh. Like we had a choice. The plane pulled back, moved forward then we stopped. Lo and behold we were in a queue. After sitting there for ANOTHER 20 minutes, we were then told our plane was about 6th in line and we would be setting off soon. "Again, thanks for your patience"...... We made it home at about midnight last night, exhausted but not so much that we didn't download ALL our pictures!

As I mentioned earlier, today was our anniversary. 8 years. 8 years of love, mistakes, arguments, make-ups, laughter, smiles and all out enjoyment. I have to say that through it all, even the hard times, it has totally been worth it. George sent me flowers today. 24 roses.

The bunch

8 for the friendshp
8 for the love
8 for the years of marriage

Today, after the past 5 days of travel and rushing around, was a day of rest and relaxation. We made a spa appointment at The Glenmoor Country Club and had a couples massage for almost an hour, then we had lunch there, followed by a luxurious hot-tub soak. During the massage I felt every step I took in NYC just drain out of me with every stroke. Brilliant.

Dinner tonight was at our favorite restaurant, Bistro 44, now we are home.

At peace.

Exactly how we should feel after 8 years of marriage :)

So that's what I've been doing the past few days. Here, are some slideshows of the places we've been. Feel free to have a look.

I can see the pub from 'ere!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.