Monday, September 25, 2006

Ups and Downs of my weekend.......

  • Watching the wedding video of George and his ex-wife. Odd I know, but it was fun seeing him younger, and seeing his relatives and putting faces to the names and stories. (and watching a bunch of relatives call his ex by the wrong name didn't hurt none.....) For those that know George? Yes, he still dances the same.........
  • Getting a letter from the INS saying they had received my application for Citizenship and that it was being processed, however, there was missing evidence. Oh, and that I should expect to hear from them within 420 days. Now, are we NOT paying the Immigration Lawyer a patrillion gazillion dollars to take care of all this? I'm stressing the shit out, and I shouldn't be. So, later, there will be an angry phone call.
  • Going to see my father-in-law so he could give George a box of his old war stuff. There was tons of stuff, old photo's, badges, war maps, dog tags, ration books etc., The favorite thing? A photo of Norman and his buddies "in a whorehouse and shitfaced!".
  • I'm one day closer to being older.

  • But I'll be in Chicago for my birthday

So as you can see, not much going on here in MOL, Ohio, but enough to add a few more gray hairs and stress lines.......... Bloody INS/Lawyers.....

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