As I was saying, I was looking at all these old photos. I pulled a few out, scanned them and by the magic that is "The Internet", here for your viewing pleasure, are a few of my favorite ones.
Me - Aged about 2 months?

Have I changed much? I can't believe that this was almost 37 years ago. I feel so bloody old. What's funny though, is that if you look at my right eye, you will see that the skin hangs over a smidge. This appears to be a family trait and I have it still. In fact, the rate things are going, I'm guessing that by the time I'm 40+ I will have no vision in that eye except that of the inside of the hangover-thingy.
Mrs Andrea & Mr David
This is a photo of my brother David and I, aged I would say about 4 & 5, in the back garden of our house and both wearing hats from our Nanna and Grandad. In the album, the title of this picture is Mrs Andrea & Mr David. Written distinctively in my mums handwriting. This is one of my most favorite photos ever, and I can't even give a good enough reason why. I guess coz we are both just smiling alot.
Me and my dad
How '60's' does my dad look here? Interesting fact about this picture. My mum used to have a security gate at the door (one of those baby gate things) and being the athletic babe I was, I climbed up it and promptly fell over the gate and landed on my head. I don't even think they took me to the hospital! That was a story told over and over again - with pride I might add if you can imagine!
Me and my dad - take 2
Here we are, 17 years later. I'm still on his knee. Don't ask about the dummy in my mouth.
May Queen at nursery
Yes! Me! A Queen........ I was about 5 here and I think my mum might have handmade the gown, and that Tiara? Exactly the reason why I have come to love diamonds today! Interesting fact? The girl in the purple gown? Before I left the UK, my son dated her son and was in luuuurve.
"Run Andi Run!"
I *heart* this picture so much and one of the reasons is the lack of focus. My mum must have just picked up the camera and figured out what was going to happen. Even though it's blurry you can see the fear on my face as those MASSIVE waves are crashing towards me. I think my dad may have dislocated my arm trying to grab me..... Oh, and we were at Amble.
I WAS thin once!
Our annual holiday to Flamborough, we were allowed to take a friend each. I took Jane 'Porky' Parkinson. I love this picture coz it shows that I was thin once and I think the minute the picture was taken, I started to bloat and that was that!
My brothers and I
Are we just LOVING the 80's hairstyle there? This picture is complete with teenage acne, bad hair and awkward brotherly hugs. That's all I have to say about that picture.
Finally - My mum and dad
This was taken in a pub or a working men's club or something. Look at the size of that beer! Now THAT is a real pint....... When I look at this picture, and see my parents, (I think I was the only child they had born by this point), it's amazing at how old they look but how young they are. This was back in the day when men wore ties when they went out, and women apparently wore as much blue eyeshadow as possible!
I have many more but won't bore you with them all right now. I just thought you'd like to see me as a youngster. Next installment will see me through the tormented teenage years, pregnancy era and to my leaving the UK and beginning a new life stage.
I know you just can't wait.
*rolls eyes*
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