Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!!


I miss my mum more than I can say. Today I shall think of her more than ever.

Happy Mothers Day to all Mums, Moms, Maman, Mutter, Madre, MaTb....... etc.,

One thing my mum used to say............

"I remember saying "I'll NEVER say that to my child"........" as I said................"

What goes around comes around.

I can only hope, that as my children grow into the adults they will eventually be, that they know that while I may not be "The Most Awesome Mom in the World".... I am their mum.

I love them.

I worry about them.

I have dreams for their future.

I wish they could see the future that I see for them.

I love them.

I am their mother.

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers out there................

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