Friday, November 21, 2008

I Was Welcomed Home.........

This morning I became an American citizen!

So today was my Naturalization Ceremony! It was AWESOME. It took us an HOUR to get downtown from Mentor on the Lake what with the snow and we were running like idiots to get to the court house on time for 8:00 am......

Luckily lots of other people were running late so that was good.

There were roughly 250+ people in the room and the people who were there for me took over a full row! The people who were being sworn in were asked to go to the front and sign paperwork and we received a nice letter from the President, the Governor and the Senators. Then the judge came in at about 9:15 and gave a nice speech about how America isn't a 'melting pot' but more of a 'stew'........ You had to have been there! LOL

A friend of mine had told me that at a ceremony he had been to the judge gave people the opportunity to come to the front and give some kind of speech about what the whole ceremony meant to them. I didn't have anything prepared really, but everyone who was there for me urged me to say something. I went to the front of the room, thanked everyone for being there for me (cried a bit) and gave a short speech. Then I sat down. I was the only person who got up to say anything.

Then we were sworn in "Raise your right hand ........" etc., and Bob's your Uncle it was over and done with! We were handed our certificates and it was over. It was a really REALLY nice ceremony and I'm so happy that I had people there for me - and I wish the ones that couldn't get there for weather/work reasons could have been there but I understand completely. Michelle took LOADS of photographs and one person made a video of the whole thing so I'm sure Michelle will make that available as and when.....

What a great great day! Someone came up to me afterward and thanked me for saying what I said and that it mean A LOT to them.......

When I was handed my certificate I was told "Welcome Home....."

As if the day so far wasn't good enough, I came home to find a video that was sent by my best friend Michael and a few other friends!

It made me cry! Thank you EVERYONE! Really, THANK YOU!


Gorgeous. said...

WOW!! What a fantastic movie!!!! Your post has made ME proud to be an American. I always thought of my citizenship as simply a "convenience" but you have inspired me to be proud of it.

Congratulations to you!!! Very proud of ya!! Big hugs and kisses!!!... ** goes off to find booze for a toast!! ;D **


Michael Lehet said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We've all been waiting for this day for a long time!

Too bad it wasn't earlier so you could have cast your vote for President Obama, but better late than never!!!!!!

Hugs & Kisses on this special day!!!

Lesley said...

Congratulations! Have a great party!

Julie said...

How cool! Congrats Andrea! The video made me get all teary!

Julie in Willowick

Antipodeesse said...

Um. I promise I wasn't drunk when I did that. Just unusually brave...

Shannah said...

*sneaks in* Been a LONG time huh?? Do you even remember me? I had lost my links when I redid my layout :(

Anyhow, found my way back,... and wanted to say Congrats!!!!

Faber Optimé said...

Congratulations from NZ Andrea!
Happy Christmas - hope you're all having a cracker there.
Look forward to seeing you again real soon.