Saturday, February 19, 2005

Men, men ,men.....

So my slideshow caused a few heartbeats to be-a-flutterin' eh?

  • Tiffany B - As I was thinking about doing the slideshow, I sat and thought about all the hot men I adore, and after I had gotten to 33 I was like "I'm a slut, I really fancy ALL these me?" so I couldn't really put any more in without my husband being all ..."Er.... Andi?"
  • Jay - Yes, the great William Shatner WAS in there. I don't know, there is something about him that just makes me go mmmmmm.... I don't like him as he was in the Star Trek series, but now, in Boston Legal? Oh, Denny Crane......
  • Frally - Now Bruce Willis in those shorts...... hhhmmmmm...... NOW I wonder if anyone could do that pic in Photoshop for me? Anyone?
  • Ms Mac - That GIRL in the white shirt you commented on was only one of the hottest Australian country music (isn't that odd?) singers EV-ER!!!!! Keith Urban! You should listen to him sing "You'll think of me" sometime..... Oh, I think of him let me tell you! and the guy in the blue overalls, why, I'm sure he does something for you doesn't he?
  • Katya - Yes, it was Keith Urban..... Apparently there are rumours circulating that he is gay? I'm hoping that he didn't go to the other side........ but if he did,
  • Whatevasista - would you have him? please, if he is gay, I'd like to think of you having first choice.....
  • Drainy - Now I'm thinking I offended your beloved! Everyone is hot in someones eyes, and there was something about that pic that I thought was appealing! I'm so totally worried! He was in there with the greats, George, Tim, Keith, Jessie....... Anyone would be proud to be amongst such huge hotties! (but really, is he OK with this? - the pic can always come out!!!)
  • The Great Lord Itchybum - When I was thinking of hotties, you were the first to spring to my mind! Why, who wouldn't want to be included with the likes of the great Shatner, Nicholson and Mr Mac? Should any royalty checks come my way, I'm thinking you should get a %? Wanna let me know how much? If of course you want your picture out, let me know.......
  • Chick Flick - I totally agree with you on Viggo..... I don't find him attractive AT ALL unless he is the guy in LOTR. Same goes for Orlando, as an Elf he is so hot! but anything other, blech!
  • Sis - Of COURSE I would put the great Ryan Stiles in. He is hot hot hot........ I was gonna put Colin in but then as I mentioned at the start, getting to 33 was gonna be too much for my dear husband to cope with so Colin will go in my next batch.......

So there you have it! My hotties. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did......

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