Monday, January 10, 2005


How ironic is this? Not only is she a bright student (apparently a phenomenon - I mean, come on, in this day and age, a bright student?) But the whole idea for the writing competition was for police to forge relationships with kids and what is the first thing they do? They doubt, mistrust and check her out? UNBELIEVABLE. but not. You know what I mean?

and another thing!

How many times have you read articles like this and been irate about it but not done anything about it? I swear, every article quotes a judge as saying "Unfortunately I am bound by the law to give you the maximum sentence which is not nearly enough.....". You hear of teenage drivers, caught joyriding but NOTHING is done about it, they get a slap on the wrist and thats it. I don't think there is one person out there who agrees with the horrid, not nearly long enough sentences, so why DOESN'T the government do something about it? If I knew where to start, I would. Anyone out there, if you have any ideas where I would go to start to get this kind of thing turned around, let me know. I hate this crap. I mean, that old guy who killed a bunch of people at the market because he thought he was stepping on the brake ? (apparently, people flying through his windscreen and through the air is a common occurrence whenever he uses the brake) He'll get off with it. You know he will. And they'll use some crappy excuse about him being old blah blah blah....... Age does NOT matter. If you shouldn't drive, then you shouldn't drive. Simple.

now onto something less thought provoking......

Oh, I want to tell you this joke I know. People say it is bad but I love it.

Why are pirates called pirates?


Because they aaarrrgggghhhhh!

Now tell me that didn't make you giggle!?

and something else.....

Ms Mac highlighted this amazing thing on her blog. I just had to have it and George said I could get one. It's on it's way! Yeah!

and another thing....

Went to see Lemony Snicket and it was great. I'm not a big Jim Carrey fan but he was awesome in this film..... You should go see it.

and on a final note.....

A blog I just found which is funny is My Karma Just ran over your Dogma. Go check it out.......


Josh said...

Nice blog. :)

I see that you use lots of links. If you're interested, an easy way to have those links open in a new window(so people don't have to navigate back to you) is to put the following:


inside your link code. Ta da!

B2 said...

Whew! That sure is a lot you've got to talk about. Like the teapot, by the way.

Andrea Knapp said...

Thanks Josh! and B2 too!

whispers said...

quiet giggles.

just dropped in from blogexsplosion, and thot i would help you out!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for such an interesting post. Thanks!

I laughed out loud at the joke, by the way.